Last modified: September 22nd, 2021 by


As an essential medical service, First Physio Plus’s Chartered Physiotherapists reopened on May 18th. The Practice is adhering to the HSE COVID-19 policies to maximise the health and wellbeing of first our Patients but also our staff. We ask you to be cooperative and patient with these policies.

From the start

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, increased temperature, unwell) please do not attend First Physio Plus and contact your GP.

Appointment day

Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your appointment time. Unfortunately late patients for whatever reason will more than likely NOT be seen. There is seating (2 meters apart) just outside the practice door within the Leisure Centre.

Practice area

  • Your temperature will be checked by a hand held temperature gauge aimed at your forehead. Please don’t exercise immediately before your appointment or rush up to the Practice because it may increase your body temperature. If your temperature is above 38deg Celsius you will not be able to enter the practice.
  • Outside the practice but in the Leisure Centre Building there is a table with Sanitizing Hand Gel, tissues, Surgical Masks (HSE approved).
  • Wearing a face mask (HSE approved) is compulsory.
  • You can bring your own or purchase from FPP at cost of 2 euro.
  • Sanitize your hands with the sanitizing hand gel.
  • You will then be led to your treatment room.
  • After treatment you pay ideally by card or the exact amount of cash. The visa machine will be on a table the opposite side of reception area to the Receptionist. Please respect the Receptionist’s space ie 2 metres. There is a spot marked in front of the receptionist for where you stand.
  • All of us at First Physio Plus will appreciate your cooperation and patience. 
  • As Always if you have any suggestions we are interested to hear them.